Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Welcome to my new blog that's mostly about gardening, but generally about stuff I'm working on at home.  I'm spinning this off of my first blog, The GPS Geek because I feel like I'm diluting the content of that site with gardening and food topics.

Here, I'm keeping things organized somewhat, so you don't have to weed through other posts to find those garden topics.

On my plate this year is moving my herb garden outside of the "vegetable" space into its own area, and working on a significant amount of native Texas plantings.  I have a wildflower area I started last year that I'll be working to improve this year, and I'm going to plant a corner of my yard as native prairie.  Grasses go in this spring, and wildflowers will be planted in the fall.

I am also going to be finishing the pergola that was started when I moved into the house in 2008, installing drip irrigation around the yard, and planning to replace some of the dead grass in my front yard with native plantings that are more drought-resistant than San Augustine grass.